Click HERE for the calendar of events


♦ Steve Atkins wrote up a ride report on his blog about his Bartlett Lake 200k experience. Check it out HERE!

NOTE: ALL riders MUST be current RUSA members in order to ride any Brevets in the US. This is an insurance mandate imposed by our insurer. To join, please see:

I travel with an S&S coupled Ti bike. I get asked regularly how I pack it. I've put together a set of instructions with photos on how I pack it. Find it HERE if you're interested in seeing it.

♦ Have a Blog or report of one of our rides? Let me know and I'll link it or post it here!

Upcoming Brevets in the Four Corner States



Date Event Name Dist Notes
1/4/2025 Saguaro Lake 100k 100k 1
1/4/2025 Saguaro Lake 200k 200k 1
1/18/2025 Sears-Kay Ruins 110k 2
1/18/2025 Bartlett Lake 200k 2
2/1/2025 Madera Canyon 200k 200k 1
2/1/2025 Madera Canyon + FLWO 300k 1
3/1/2025 Desert Loop 125k 125k 1
3/1/2025 Desert Loop 200k 200k 1
3/1/2025 Desert Loop 300k 300k 1
3/1/2025 Desert Loop 400k 400k 1
3/8/2025 International Women's Day: Foothills Tour 100k 1
3/29/2025 Kitt Peak 200k 200k 1
3/29/2025 Kitt Peak 300k 300k 1
3/29/2025 Kitt Peak 400k 400k 1
3/29/2025 Kitt Peak 600k 600k 1
4/19/2025 Jerome or Bust! 110k 2
4/19/2025 Mingus Squared 200k 2
5/31/2025 Standin' on the Corner 300k 2
10/4/2025 White Mountains 8k600 600k 2
10/4/2025 White Mountains Day 1 195k 2
10/5/2025 White Mountains Day 2 189k 2
10/6/2025 White Mountains Day 3 220k 2


1: "Main Series" - Brevets will have food, drink & support volunteers at some of the controls. Also vehicle support for a couple bikes/riders if needed.
2: "Zero Support Series" - Brevets will not have any volunteer support. You will need to be responsible for your own nutrition and transportation plans (no SAG vehicle if you DNF)









Use our Google Groups to::

  • Share a ride to and from the start
  • Share hotel rooms
  • Announce training rides
  • Find other RUSA members to ride a permanent
  • Ask question about AZ brevets

For questions about the Brevets please contact the RBA.
For issues with the website please contact the WebMaster.


Next up: Mar 29th (4 distance options)
  Kitt Peak 200, 300, 400 and 600k

Each of the distances start/finish in the same location. Kitt Peak is one of the iconic climbs in Arizona and each distance will get to experience it.

We’ll start in North Tucson with a short warm-up before we hit the first obstacle on the day – Gates Pass. You’re only 14 miles into the ride but will already get to test your legs as you climb into Saguaro National Parks (SNP). The descent into SNP as the sun rises will be a highlight! You will continue on gentle terrain as you make your way out of Tucson. Once about half way to the Kitt turnoff, you will reach Three Points. This is a good place to refill your bottle and grab a snack since there is still 15 miles to the base of the climb.

The sun will be full when you reach the base of the climb. For a preview, check out this fantastic web site. All the details are there, but it’s a 12 mile, 3600’ climb which averages 5.7%. There is a Visitor’s Center at the top. With a full stomach, the descent will be a blast! After the descent, the routes will diverge. The 200k riders will head back to the finish. The 300k/400k/600k riders will head further west to the town of Sells.

It should be a quick 20 mile jaunt to Sells for your turnaround. You will then retrace your route back to Three Points. It will, again, be a good spot to refuel. 300k riders will return to the finish through SNP via Marana. 400k/600k riders head south from Three Points to their next destination near the Mexican border in Arivaca. Arivaca is in the Buenos Aires National Wildlife Refuge. You’ll also get a long, and great, view of Baboquivari Peak off to your right. It’s a challenging hike, but that will have to wait for another day. You will also pass through a couple Border Patrol checkpoints on this loop south.

After your Control in Arivaca, you will make your way back north through Green Valley then a gentle climb to Helmet Peak. From there it will be a fast descent back to South Tucson past Mission San Xavier del Bac and a flat run-in to your triumphant finish.

In all, 400k riders will have covered 258 miles and about 10,000’ of climbing. 600k riders will be able to get some sleep before heading out for their final 200k to Oracle. That final 200k will have about 5,200’ of climbing. Almost all of the climbing is in the first half of the 200k. The return will be fast and fun!

600k details may be found HERE
400k details may be found HERE
300k details may be found HERE
200k details may be found HERE

Last Minute Notes/em>
may be found HERE. This link will be valid once available/strong>, generally the day after registration closes. Please read them. There will be a lot of information posted there. I will also send them out to registered riders. If you don't receive them, please check your spam folder.
McMath-Pierce Solar Telescope on Kitt Peak
McMath-Pierce Solar Telescope on Kitt Peak