
Here’s what you do:

1. Send me email.

Tell me the route and date you intend to ride. Include the following information: 

  • Full name
  • Your RUSA number (Permanents are only available to RUSA members. Not a member? No problem. Membership is only $20. Form is here.)
  • Mailing Address (I’ll need to validate and return your card to you.)
  • Email address (I’ll also need to send you my mailing address)
  • Route
  • Date you want to ride
  • Time you want to start

2. Print and sign the waiver.

Form is here: pdf format

3. Send the waiver and $5 fee to:

(email me for my current address)

4. Receive your materials.

I’ll email you a cue sheet, card and maps that you can print. If you have no access to a printer, I’ll send you printed copies.

5. Go ride.

Remember you must follow the cue sheet exactly and start at the time you intended. You can start late, but the clock starts ticking at the time on your card. In general if you start more than an hour after the start time, you may not be able to make the checkpoint on time.

6. Send me your documentation.

After the ride, mail me your card, receipts, and any other documentation you collected as proof of passage.

On your card, make sure you fill in the times you arrived at the checkpoints. If the checkpoint was an informational checkpoint, make sure you filled in the answer.

7. Brag about your exploits.

There are always intangible benefits.