
1. The Game Plan

Riders are provided with cue sheets and cards showing the route and checkpoints. Riders must follow the route exactly and get to the checkpoints between the opening and closing times. If you should get off course, you must return to the route where you got off track. It is not enough that you ride that required number of miles or kilometers. You must ride the route exactly as it appears on the cue sheet.

2. At the checkpoint

The cue sheet tells you what to do at the checkpoint. Most of the time, you will be asked to provide proof of passage which is some kind of documentation to show you were at the checkpoint at a certain time. Acceptable proof may include a receipt for something you bought or an ATM receipt. Where a receipt is not possible, you will be given question to answer. Write the answer on your card.

3. Pushing your own pedals

Riders can go alone or with friends, but everyone in the peleton must be registered for the permanent. Follow vehicles are strictly forbidden. Fans and paparazzi can only meet you at the checkpoints. Stopping between checkpoints to sign autographs or receive aid from your support car is strictly forbidden.

4. When to go

Permanents can be ridden at any time of your own choosing, but when you register you must commit to a certain date and time. There are no rain checks or refunds. If for some reason you cannot start your ride on your chosen date, you may be able to renegotiate another date.